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the F.A.Q?

  • How does metering work with Open Power?

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    We use export meters to accurately measure the surplus energy you send to the grid. This ensures that your energy exports are tracked properly, allowing you to receive fair compensation based on your actual contributions.

  • What’s the best rate I can get for my energy exports?

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    The best rate is influenced by current market conditions. Our system analyses energy prices to help you sell your surplus energy at the highest available rates. By connecting with both the energy market and peer-to-peer options, you can maximise your earnings.

  • How often will my energy export be measured?

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    Depending on your metering setup, data collection can occur daily, weekly, or monthly. We will ensure that the data collected accurately reflects your energy output for market pricing.

  • How can I ensure I’m getting the best deal for my surplus energy?

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    Our platform utilises real-time market data and energy trends to ensure that your exported energy is sold at optimal rates. We monitor the energy market on your behalf, maximising the return on your surplus energy.