Empower Your Energy Generation

Open Power enables generators of all sizes to sell their export electricity on the energy markets, giving them what they deserve for their energy

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Get started today!
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Sign up in 4 Simple Steps

We handle the hard stuff. All we need are a few details and start earning:

  • Untitled design (19)
    1. Send us your Meter Info
  • Untitled design (18)
    2. We estimate how much you can earn from the markets
  • Untitled design (13)
    3. We'll give you an offer for exporting energy
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    4. If it looks good, Start Earning!

We are focused on those who need export revenue the most

We prioritize individuals who generate energy on-site and export any surplus to the grid. Our solution has the potential to double their revenue, significantly reduce the payback period, and make renewable energy a smarter choice for all!

  • Res
    • Individuals
    • New Building Projects
    • Housing Associations
  • Public buildings
    Public Buildings
    • Schools
    • Council Buildings 
    • Public Housing 
  • SME's
    • Commercial Office
    • Industrial 
    • Farms

Our Platform offers end to end service from first connection to optimised trading as a Virtual Power Plant (VPP).

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Sign up now and start earning more for the energy you produce

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Built on Unicorn Platform